Sunday, June 20, 2004

Back in le swing de things

So I'm back. I had to step away from, well, just about everything for a few days, like a week. Partly because I was in a panic from having to present my thesis proposal to my committee last Tuesday.

Okay, entirely because I had to present my thesis proposal to my committee last Tuesday.

That, and I tested for my Red Sash on Monday (I passed, incidentally), and the thesis proposal that I had to present to my committee last Tuesday was not written.

And as if all that wasn't enough, I managed to pick up a nasty Flu bug somewhere last weekend, so when I went in to do my Red Sash test, I was feverish, sick, sore and blind (my eyes were aching too much to put contacts in, and Kung Fu in glasses just doesn't work all that well).

My committee meeting went remarkably well, considering that I spent the better part of it thinking to myself: I want to go home and go to bed, can't we just end this? It didn't quite happen that way, but all in all, it could have gone worse. I went home immediately after the meeting and, quite literally, slept from 2:30 pm on Tuesday afternoon to about 6:00 pm on Wednesday. Thursday, I was back in work, at least for a time. A cohort and I have started working on a rather impressive modeling project which'll be a pretty big publication, if we can get it to work. It looks as if we'll be able to, too. And we're learning a lot of really, really neat stuff.

Suffice it to say, I'm back up and running. Still not 100%, but a definite improvement over Tuesday.

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