Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Back, and still breathing

So, April and I hiked our way out of the back country on Monday night, none the worse for wear. We were a little wetter, a little stronger, and a lot closer. I guess that's what happens when you go hiking/camping with someone. You either wind up hating each other, or getting closer.

Actually, it was sorta sad, 'cause April and I both realized that this is likely to be one of our last jaunts out into the middle of nowhere for some time. I'm gonna miss these trips. However, next summer, we have a number of trips planned; culminating in a hike along the West Coast trail. That'll be really amazing. 75 km along the Island. I'm getting super-keen on this one.

Of course, I'll need to actually buy a backpack first. I've been using my big brother's, and I think he's starting to get annoyed with it, so I'm gonna use some of the money I put aside to buy one. Mountain Equipment CO-OP, here I come...

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