Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Another reason why Anti-vaccination advocates are idiots, part II

I've got some criticism as to how I didn't actually support my premise that there's a lot more money to be made off of not vaccinating than vaccinating.


Now, first, let's start with the basics: the numbers in the right hand column are not costs of a dose of any of those vaccines. They're very conservative estimates of the amount of money every dollar spent on those vaccines saves. In other words, if you spend one dollar on a TDaP vaccine, you save 27, and so on.

Now, the sources for this data are as follows:

For the TDaP vaccine,

Ekwuemeet al, Arch PediatrAdolescMed, 154(Aug 2000): 797-803


Zhou, et al., J Infect Dis, 189(2004): S131-145


Zhou, et al., Pediatrics, 110:4(Oct 2002): 653-661


Lieu, et al., JAMA, 271(1994): 375-81

None of these scientists have any connection to any pharmaceutical company.

If you look at just these four vaccines, for every dollar spent on a vaccine, just shy of 16 dollars are saved. That money would go into the pockets of the very pharmaceutical companies that anti-vaccinations advocates so insist are lining their pockets by forcing vaccines upon the unwilling public.  They'd make a lot more by letting everyone just get the measles.

What is the most profitable vaccine on the market? The one that isn't given.