Monday, December 03, 2007

If you gotta move...

So I've finally found myself a post-doc position. I'm actually kinda thrilled at this one. It requires me to live in Honolulu Hawai'i for a few years, and may lead to a future faculty position at the U of H. I figure if you're going to move away from your friends and family, there are worse places to do it than Hawai'i. In honor of that, I've added two weather graphics to my blog. One showing the current weather in Calgary, one showing the current weather in Honolulu. I feel the need to remind you that that's the weather right now. Like, in December. Fun, huh?

Actually, I'm also excited about this for things that have absolutely nothing to do with invariably good weather,

beautiful sunsets,

beautiful women,

beautiful beaches,

the opportunity to go hiking twelve months of the year,

amazing sunsets (did I mention that already? Well, it bears repeating),



and amazing photographic subjects.

Actually, I'm excited for a whole slew of reasons, but perhaps the most important one is that I'm simply excited by the work I'm going to be doing. The work will still be in the same general area I've been working in for the last five years, but it will be more on the molecular level. A little less cellular biology, a little more genetics, a little more biochemistry, and a little bit more gene-jockeying. I'm going to be doing both the insertion and deletion of genes in mice, working on developing a working hypoxia model in wild-type mice, and studying the expression of genes in the heart specifically, and what genes will show up in these systems. This is a kind of science I've never done before, and it excites me. It means that I get to spend more time in the lab and less time scribbling equations in a lab book. I'm going to improve on my recovery surgery (something I haven't done in a long time, and haven't done at all on something as small as a mouse), my RT- and QT-PCR, as well as running and analyzing microarrays. In addition, I'm going to be working with a mathematician who wrote a textbook that has effectively been my bible for the last five years. By fortuitous circumstances, I'm going to be working with a former classmate of my brother's, he's a nice guy, and I think I'm going to enjoy working for him. I think we have a lot to do and less time to do it in, but I think that this is going to be an amazing learning opportunity for me.

Oh, and the view out of my laboratory window is the Pacific ocean.

Can you tell I'm marginally excited by this?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

In Memoriam

So I lost a friend recently. And by "lost," I mean in the permanent sense. I'm okay. Really, I am. Don't get me wrong, I have my moments of not-so-goodness, but I'm actually dealing with it better than I thought I would.

There's a mountain near the Upper Kananaskis lake called Mount Indefatigable. It rises 3000 feet above the lake itself, and the only approach to the summit is a trail approximately three miles long. Doing the math, that's about a thousand feet per mile ascent; which doesn't sound that impressive, but believe me, that's pretty huge. Until this weekend, I'd never climbed it. It's one of those trails I'd hiked past a thousand times, but never quite completed. I'd come close, make no mistake. The first time I tried, I had to turn back within sight of the summit. The second time, I wasn't even able to make the attempt. And in a way, that's what this whole story is about.

Five of us arrived at the Kananaskis Interlakes at about 12:00 pm. The skies were blue and clear. A faint haze hung in the air. We later learned that there was a controlled burn taking place nearby. The smoke hung heavily in the valley, unable to escape completely. And we were about as well as we could expect. The mountain we planned to climb hung above us like a gigantic stone monolith practically daring us to try it. Strapped to my hip, I had a camera (which, it turns out, was set to the wrong ISO, and so for the first half of the trip, my pictures look bleached out and grainy) and a spare lens. My back held water bladder, lunch, a jacket, and everything I would need for the summit approach. My right thigh pocket held a rock.

The first mile or so wasn't terribly interesting. A lot of trees, a long climb. It wasn't until we broke free of the trees at the first lookout point that we really realized how high we were. We'd hiked just shy of a mile and a half, and we were at least a thousand feet up. The whole valley was spread out underneath us. It was gorgeous. The thin haze seemed to make waves around the mountains of the valley. Maybe it did. Whatever was happening was an interesting phenomenon, but beyond that, it was just plain beautiful. Already, our group of five didn't look like they were all going to make the summit. Dora's ankles were starting to bug her: her boots weren't properly worn in. Which meant that Rich probably wasn't going to make the entire trip up either. But we pushed on.

The second lookout point was equally beautiful. This was where the trail started getting hard, and this was where most people call it a day and turn back, and it's kinda hard to fault them for that. The view is probably the best effort:payoff ratio of the entire hike.

And then there were three. Two of our number decided to turn back. One had heels that were getting somewhat raw, and her boyfriend, I think, was starting to get tired himself, and the hike was only going to get more vertical. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't half-consider turning back as well, but I guess I'm just stubborn that way. I don't like to let myself give up; so I didn't. My recollection of the last time I'd attempted to climb this mountain was that it got steep and annoying at this point, and my recollection was not wrong. At the end of the day, it was sheer determination that got us up to "the bowl" where the three of us stopped for lunch. It was here that I realized that my camera was set to an absurdly high ISO, and my photos promptly got a lot less overexposed, and a lot less grainy.

We finished lunch and stopped for a moment to catch our breath. We could actually see the summit from where we were, but the last time I'd had to turn back, we'd seen it then too. We'd turned back within about 20 feet of the top because the scramble to the top was crumbling under our feet, and it was a looooong way down if we slipped.

And then there was one. Or so I thought at the time. As we climbed out of the bowl, I had two very tired companions. I was tired too, frankly, but I was making it to the top if I had to drag myself face first over sharp rocks. There was just no way I was going to stop this close to the summit again. They told me that they would wait here until I finished. I think they could see it in my eyes or something, but they knew it was important. I was making it to the top of this mountain.

Yes, I'm in this photograph. I'm the tiny little speck making its way up the winding trail towards the summit. I didn't know it at the time, but my two companions had also made the decision not to let the mountain beat them.

I made the summit, exhausted. The trip up the mountain had taken a simply huge amount out of me. The last 500 feet of elevation gain were the hardest, not just because they were insanely vertical (they were); but because the summit was so close you'd swear you could reach out and grab it, but every step you took didn't seem to bring it any closer to you. Sheer stupid stubbornness drove me the last fifty yards up the mountain.

I'm not an overly emotional guy by nature. But standing on that mountain was one of exactly three times in my adult life that I've actually been moved to tears. It was like the whole world was spread out like a giant tapestry. The valley we'd just climbed out of spread out as far as I could see. Lesser mountains almost seemed to bow down before the mighty Indefatigable.

I drew in a shaky breath, and dug into my pocket for the rock I'd lugged 3000 feet straight up. It had been marked and dated with a sharpie marker: "August 19, 1996: Mt. Indefatigable." It had been given to me eleven years ago by a friend who had taken it down from the summit, and had charged me with the task of putting it back. I'd always assumed that he would be there with me when I returned it to its original place, but I guess fate had other ideas. Three weeks before the hike, he'd died in a tragic accident. By pure coincidence, a hike to the top of the same mountain he'd charged me with returning the rock to was planned a few weeks later.

I'm not sure whether I believe in God, or theology or spirituality or any of that stuff, really. But for a brief moment, standing on the top of that mountain, holding a stone that I'd had in my possession for eleven years, I could almost bring myself to believe in fate.

I left the rock on top of a tiny inukshuk someone had constructed on the summit, a place I like to think he would have chosen if he were there with me. I didn't say anything, no prayers, no long eulogy. I don't think he would've wanted me to. But I did stand there on the mountain, and decided that just being here, doing something he wanted me to do, something he'd asked me to do, was the most fitting memorial I could give him.

I walked down off the mountain as if a weight had been lifted off of me. Yes, I was no longer carrying a rock around in my pocket, but I felt as if I'd done something I needed to do. Something that was waiting to be done. Something someone had asked me to do. I'd done my mourning, and I was ready to move on.

We all mourn in the way we see fit. Some of us stand solemnly around the deceased's grave, some of us sing hymns, some of us pray, some of us party.

And some of us climb mountains.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Everybody needs a hobby

So it turns out that I haven't had a lot of time to pursue any real hobbies in the last five years or so. Funny that. So I figure that there are worse hobbies to have than photography. I saved up my last three paychecks as a grad student, and spent them on a new camera.

For the last ten years, I've been operating on two different cameras. First, a Nikon F60 (N60 in the states), and a Canon Powershot S60. My favorite of the two cameras being, by far, the former. That said, I tend to take a lot more pictures with my little Powershot.

The bottom line is that the writing's been on the wall for a long time: 35 mm film is slowly disappearing, and I admit that I've been in denial about it, largely because of my aforementioned love of my Nikon F60. For me, the real clincher was when I found out that Nikon had no plans to design another film camera after the F6. Point-and-shoot 35 mm cameras are all but extinct (seriously, try to find an amateur-level P&S film camera these days). The only film formats likely to survive the great Digital Revolution are the medium-format and large-format films, and even they will probably disappear eventually. Hasselblad now makes a full-frame medium-format CCD sensor.... The cheapest camera it's attached to costs $15,000.... so pretty much my current annual income. I didn't buy that.

So I got myself a digital SLR. I didn't go too crazy. I didn't buy myself a EOS-1Ds Nor did I dish out for a Nikon D3. Ultimately, I opted against both of those cameras for what I considered to be two very good reasons: 1) I'm not a professional and 2) I don't have $9,000. No, I went for the camera that professionals use as their back-up camera. The one that they use when their real camera breaks down, or doesn't have the right lens attached, or doesn't have its battery charged, or whatever (although, I once knew a sports photographer who went to every event armed with three identical EOS 1Ds SLR bodies, each mounted with a different lens; for those of you doing the math, that's almost $30,000, not counting the lenses mounted to them; and the one of the three lenses he was using that I could identify at the time was worth $10,000 on its own; he rationalized it by saying that he didn't want to waste time changing lenses). I wanted something I could play with, not something that'll empty my bank account. Although, in hindsight, it did end up emptying my bank account, but only by virtue of the fact that my bank account is practically empty to begin with.

So the first few shots I took in a word, sucked. But I'm starting to get the hang of taking pictures with this thing. You have to think about a lot more, because you don't necessarily have a computer doing the thinking for you. You have to think in terms of depth of field, and white balance, and F-stops and shutter speeds. You have to think about ISOs and how they affect your images. You have to think about metering and when to use a flash. You have to decide when you want to opt for a regular lens or a telephoto.

Yeah, fun stuff.

Expect photos to be posted here in the near future.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Biologists Helping Bookstores

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I'm all for accuracy in filing books in bookstores; and as a biologist it sorta goes without saying that I believe Intelligent Design and Creation Science to be crap, but it seems like this lady isn't making a statement so much as she's making a mess. All she's really accomplishing is giving the employees more work. Bookstores don't file for accuracy, they file books where they'll sell the best. If putting Darwin's Origin of Species along side Harlequin Romance novels would make it sell better, they'd do it.

That said, if you file something in the "Science" section, you expect that it contains factual information. Nobody thinks that you should put a book in the "Modern Medicine" section that advocates smoking ten packs a day and eating junk food. Filing these books in the science section offers pseudoscience books a credibility that they have not earned through the process of peer-review.

Like I said, I'm really not sure how I feel about this, so I offer the link here, and in my blog roll, so you can decide for yourself.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's over!

Okay, so I walked the stage yesterday. As predicted, I was dressed as a proverbial Hogwarts graduate, but all in all, everything turned out well. So now I have a PhD. adorning my wall right next to my BSc. My brother says I should get myself a Master's just to balance it out, but I think I'm good with two degrees, thank you very much.

'Course, the obvious question is "What's next?"

Well, I have a number of options, not the least of which being a Post-Doctorate at Oxford. I might also look at the industry route.

Or I might go back to school and complete an MD. With a Doctor of Philosophy under my belt, I think I probably have a reasonable chance of getting in. Or I can do an engineering degree.

In short, I have options.

Now, admittedly, my options need to be channelled somewhat. On a personal level, my life has got a little more complicated. Making a long story short, I managed to get myself engaged during my six-week odyssey across Europe. Yep, she said yes, oddly enough. How I managed to find someone who's crazy enough to go on week-long hiking trips, six-week odysseys, long bike rides, and who will put up with me for five years while I'm frantically completing a doctoral degree is still something of a mystery to me. How I convinced her to say "yes" when I showed her the ring is even more of a mystery, but it happened. Yay. We haven't set a date yet, and we're both fairly confident that it'll be a long engagement

So now I have a couple of factors that need to be considered before I decide which way I turn at the next fork in the road.

But at least I'm at a fork.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

New approaches to "curing" atheism

According to recent polls in the US, the single least-trusted group of people are atheists, which, when you come down to it, is kinda absurd. As Dawkins once put it: "I submit that we are both atheists, I simply believe in one less God than you do. When you can explain to me why you deny the existence of all the other Gods, perhaps you will be ready to understand why I deny the existence of yours."

And when you come down to it, atheism is probably one of the most innocuous of bellief systems. I mean, you don't often hear about atheists hijacking planes and flying them into buildings out of their devotion to a deity they don't think exists. Relatively few serial killers are atheists (although, like anything, there are a few in there). And, frankly, I think someone's beliefs in something that cannot be empirically proven, or lack thereof is probably the third stupidest thing to judge someone on; the first two being race and sexuality. I think it comes down, as so many things do these days, to simple ignorance. There's this blatantly false assumption that if you don't believe in God (or some version thereof), you must therefore have no morals.

I get asked often whether I believe in God, and to be honest, I'm never entirely sure how to answer, so my answer tends to change a little every time I'm asked. The best answer I can come up with is that I choose to live my life as if the existence or non-existence of God didn't matter. If God exists, then I hope that He, She, They or It will judge me for living my life on my own path. If not, then I'm no worse off than I am now. And on the off chance that God such a petty prick that I deserve to be damned for not choosing one religion (which kinda runs contrary to the idea of a benevolant God, don'tcha think?), well, then at least I'm gonna be damned for being who I really am. I guess all that makes me a de facto atheist.

Mind you, when people ask me if I believe in God, my first response is almost always "define the term." If they then go and point to a passage in the Bible or the Koran or the Talmud or whatever holy book they choose and say: "this is how I define God," the answer is almost definitely "no." But I believe that there's a unifying logic and mechanic to the universe. I believe that there are mysteries to life and the unvierse which we may never unfold. On occasion, more for convenience than anything else, I call that "God."

At the same time, I believe that I know what's right or wrong better than whoever it was who wrote the bible, and decided that taking the Lord's name in vain, or working on the sabbath mandated the death penalty; and certainly much better than some of the modern fundamentalists who see it as just and right that God demands belief, offers no proof, and inflicts eternal torture on otherwise good people for failing to guess correctly. I believe that regardless of what else is in the Bible, the fact that it endorses child and spousal abuse, slavery and murder of non-believers demolishes its credibility as a source for morals.

Speaking of which, I believe that morals come down to suffering, so I don't believe in inflicting it upon any creature with enough sense to know what suffering is. I believe that if an action is victimless, then by definition it is not a crime. Therefore, if I were a gay, pot-smoking atheist (which I'm not, for the record, but these seem to be pretty much the three things that seem to piss off the American variety of "conservative" more than anything else), it cannot by any logic be claimed that I am harming any other human being, therefore none of the three are even remotely unethical.

So let's talk about the video I embedded in this entry. Here we have psycho-mom going nuts over the possibility that (gasp) her son could be an atheist, as if that were a bad thing. She then says that he has to start going to church every Sunday, as if that were a good thing. Then she goes on to take away Christmas, as if the best way of making him believe is to threaten him into it (and don't even get me started on her, to be kind, erroneous claim that Christmas is all about Jesus Christ).

Now, I want to be very clear on this: I know nothing whatsoever about this family except what I've seen in this 46-second video. For all I know, they may have reconciled, or the son may have recanted his evil ways, or the mother may have come to understand her son's beliefs, or any one of a thousand possible outcomes that I can't even imagine. So I'm not going to say anything about the mother or the son as human beings (frankly, who can claim that they haven't been a complete asshole for 46 seconds at some point in their lives? I know I sure can't.). Instead, I'd like to talk about the violence of the mother's reaction to something which, at the end of the day is completely innocuous, will not affect her life remotely, and if nothing else, is a sign that her son is starting to think independently, to reason and to find his own path. I can't help but feel that had it been any issue other than his religious beliefs, she may very well have taken it in stride, or even found his insight laudable. For example, if the son had come home that day and said: "Mom, I don't like Peanut Butter anymore. Please stop putting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in my lunch," I find it somewhat unlikely that the mother's reaction would have been nearly that extreme.

I choose not to believe in any God who threatens us with eternal damnation for failing to believe one set of rules. Actually, I flat out refuse to worship any God who threatens us with eternal damnation, period. I choose to believe that at the end of this life, afterlife or no afterlife, there's no reward waiting. If there's something after this, I choose to believe that it's not a matter of dividing up the believers and the nonbelievers, the sinners and the virtuous. I believe that nothing we do really matters after we're dead.

If nothing we do matters, then the only thing that matters is what we do. If there's no reward at the end, if there's no payoff for doing good, then even the tiniest, most insignificant act of kindness can be the most amazing thing in the world.

That's what I believe.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Guest Lecture (yay!)

So I got invited to do a guest lecture at Oxford. Yes, the one in England. Come to think of it, I don't think there's another one out there. But I got invited to do a lecture at Oxford. Cool, huh?

Okay, before I go on, I should point out that it's not as impressive as it sounds. I'd love to claim that they were dazzled by my brilliance from the opposite side of the Atlantic and offered to pay my air fare to get out there and spend a day lecturing and meeting the faculty.

I'd love to claim that, but that would be, at the very least, an exaggeration. A paper I wrote a while back got read and well received at their local journal club and my supervisor got contacted about it. As it turns out, April and I will be in the area in the not-too-terribly distant future, and they asked if I would be willing to give a brief (1-hour) lecture while I was there. So it's technically an invited guest lecture, but if not for the fact that I'm gonna be there anyway, there's no possible way they would've invited me. But, hey, it's Oxford. I mean, Oxford.

Yeah, if you haven't gathered so far, I think it's kinda cool. I have given lectures in the past. Many, many of them, actually. Of course, very few of those (like, one) have been given outside my own university, but I'm not exactly a stranger to lectures like this one. None of them have been outside the country, much less the continent.

So, yes, I'm kinda excited about this.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Patriotism Defined

What a lot of people seem to define as "being a patriot" is pretty much the exact opposite of what I feel patriotism is. Patriotism has become defined by one's adherence to whatever the party in power decides the country is going to do. It's become defined by one's unwillingness to question those in power, and one's by-rote acceptance of the country's policies.

This isn't the definition of patriotism, that's the definition of stupidity.

Let's talk about the Dixie chicks for a second. Yes, I know, they're a country western band, and country isn't exactly my thing, but they found themselves in some pretty hot water on the eve of the Iraq offensive because they (gasp) dared suggest that the president is an idiot. For that, they got pilloried in the mass media and labeled as, among other things; traitors, sluts, and unpatriotic, to name a few. And not by a small number of people. Think about that for a second, the crime they committed, dire as it was, consisted of a twelve-word comment where they voiced their disappointment with the war and the Bush administration. And for that, they were labeled as bad patriots.

Now, let me be clear, and this cannot be emphasized enough, the people who slapped that label on them had every right to do so. That's not the issue I want to get into. What I do find somewhat disturbing about the whole affair is how dissenting from those in power got to be viewed as "unpatriotic." The attitude that, as my moron of a president so aptly put it, "you're either with us, or against us" is one of the stupidest, not to mention dangerous attitudes to have under any circumstances. I disagree with pretty much everything the current administration has done since they came into power, but I will personally beat someone senseless who suggests that I don't love and care about both of my countries dearly. I was born straddling the Canada-US border. I have roots placed in both countries. I pay taxes in both countries. I can vote in both countries. I can be drafted in one of them, and I'm willing to fight and die to defend either of them from enemies both foreign and domestic.

And here's what is important to remember: the fact that I don't feel that one of my countries hasn't earned the right to boast about the fact that they're the greatest country in the world doesn't mean that I love that country any less. That's like claiming that a parent who scolds a child suddenly hates them. Voicing dissent with one's country, when it exists, is not only the right of every single American citizen, it's their duty. Wanting the country to do better than it has been doing is the very definition of patriotism. One who wishes and hopes that their country can, someday, live up to the reputation of being the greatest country in the world is the very definition of a patriot.

Keeping your mouth shut when you disagree with something your country is doing, or with a policy that has been laid out, that is the single most unpatriotic position you can possibly take.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Beat sticks

So I lost the nail of my right index finger. Not that this is terribly surprising. It got whallopped quite soundly by about ten pounds of metal. Fortunately, the X-rays showed no damage to the phalanges, so I'm all good. Broken fingers are no fun, and it really would've sucked to break one of 'em.

That's one of our riskier two-person fighting forms that we do. Spear vs. halberd is a challenge at the best of times, and there's a little less of a margin of error on that one. But I have it on reasonable authority that it looks pretty darn good.

We also do a less nerve-wracking fighting form where the worst-case scenario is a bad bruise. My buddy picks up a 6-foot long staff, I pick up a pair of 2-ish foot long clubs, and we try to beat each other to death with them.

Now let's take a minute to talk about these forms. Yes, they're choreographed and planned out (we do do free sparring with weapons, but that's neither here nor there), but that doesn't mean that it's not real. You screw up in these forms and you get clobbered. Yeah, you know what's coming, but we're not pulling our strikes, and I have the bruises to prove it. I came close to being knocked unconscious by my partner when I was a little slow on a block. My fault, really. And the bottom line is that if you can't accept the reality that you're going to pick up a few bruises doing this kind of activity, you probably shouldn't be doing it.

The form in question is a little more anxiety-causing than some others, at least for me, for one simple reason. Those clubs are short. If you want to strike at someone holding a long staff, you have to be well inside their strike range to be in any way effective. If you're not careful, a guy with a staff can knock your head off of your shoulders before you're able to close in enough to get on the offensive. So it's in your best interest to know where both ends of that staff are at any instant in time, and not be where they are.

Suffice it to say, you learn to read someone's body posture really fast. You learn to move quickly and keep light on your feet to avoid getting clocked. Trust me, even the light end of the staff to the head is no fun.

Now, while these forms are the ones which are most likely to cause injury, they're also the ones that you learn fastest. Getting clubbed in the ribs is often a strong motivator to not make that mistake next time.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Annotated State of the Union Address: 2007

Thank you very much. And tonight, I have a high privilege and distinct honor of my own -- as the first President to begin the State of the Union message with these words: Madam Speaker.

Yeah, you lost the midterms. Deal with it.

In his day, the late Congressman Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. from Baltimore, Maryland, saw Presidents Roosevelt and Truman at this rostrum.

Take a drink if he pronounced "rostrum" properly.

But nothing could compare with the sight of his only daughter, Nancy, presiding tonight as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Congratulations, Madam Speaker.

You do realize she's a democrat, right?

Two members of the House and Senate are not with us tonight, and we pray for the recovery and speedy return of Senator Tim Johnson and Congressman Charlie Norwood.

Tim Johnson is officially the first member of the democratic party who has been specifically named in a State of the Union address, who wasn't Joe Liebermann.

Madam Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:

Except for Liberals. And Gays. And people who are outside of Paris Hilton's tax bracket. And black people. And non-Christians.

But everybody else, great to see you.

The rite of custom brings us together at a defining hour -- when decisions are hard and courage is needed. We enter the year 2007 with large endeavors underway, and others that are ours to begin. In all of this, much is asked of us. We must have the will to face difficult challenges and determined enemies -- and the wisdom to face them together.

Some in this chamber are new to the House and the Senate -- and I congratulate the Democrat majority.

Now PLEASE don't impeach me.

Congress has changed, but not our responsibilities. Each of us is guided by our own convictions -- and to these we must stay faithful.

The madness of King George.

Yet we're all held to the same standards,

Let's face it Georgie, you set the bar pretty low when it comes to standards.

and called to serve the same good purposes: To extend this nation's prosperity; to spend the people's money wisely; to solve problems, not leave them to future generations; to guard America against all evil; and to keep faith with those we have sent forth to defend us.

Sayeth the man responsible for a mess which will require several generations to clean up. Not to mention the man who has single-handedly pissed off a whole new generation of potential terrorist recruits.

We're not the first to come here with a government divided and uncertainty in the air. Like many before us, we can work through our differences, and achieve big things for the American people. Our citizens don't much care which side of the aisle we sit on -- as long as we're willing to cross that aisle when there is work to be done.

Sayeth the man who has done more to divide the country along party lines than just about any president in the history of the United States.

Our job is to make life better for our fellow Americans, and to help them to build a future of hope and opportunity -- and this is the business before us tonight.

Sayeth the man who took the single highest surplus in the history of the country, and turned it into the single largest deficit, in the span of four years.

A future of hope and opportunity begins with a growing economy -- and that is what we have. We're now in the 41st month of uninterrupted job growth, in a recovery that has created 7.2 million new jobs -- so far. Unemployment is low, inflation is low, and wages are rising. This economy is on the move, and our job is to keep it that way, not with more government, but with more enterprise.

Is he about to take credit for the increase in minimum wage that the Democrats just managed to push through congress?

Next week, I'll deliver a full report on the state of our economy. Tonight, I want to discuss three economic reforms that deserve to be priorities for this Congress.

First, we must balance the federal budget. We can do so without raising taxes.

But we might have to forgo cutting taxes to Paris Hilton.

What we need is impose spending discipline in Washington, D.C. We set a goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009, and met that goal three years ahead of schedule.

A defecit created by... who, exactly?

This is like having someone throw cow manure all over you, then pat himself on the back for shooing the flies away.

Now let us take the next step. In the coming weeks, I will submit a budget that eliminates the federal deficit within the next five years. I ask you to make the same commitment. Together, we can restrain the spending appetite of the federal government, and we can balance the federal budget.

Maybe if we stopped fighting a pointless war that's roughly as popular as a guy with a rash at a nudist colony....

Next, there is the matter of earmarks. These special interest items are often slipped into bills at the last hour -- when not even C-SPAN is watching. In 2005 alone, the number of earmarks grew to over 13,000 and totaled nearly $18 billion. Even worse, over 90 percent of earmarks never make it to the floor of the House and Senate -- they are dropped into committee reports that are not even part of the bill that arrives on my desk. You didn't vote them into law. I didn't sign them into law. Yet, they're treated as if they have the force of law. The time has come to end this practice. So let us work together to reform the budget process, expose every earmark to the light of day and to a vote in Congress, and cut the number and cost of earmarks at least in half by the end of this session.

And until November, what party was putting these earmarks in? The Democrats sure didn't have the power then.

And, finally, to keep this economy strong we must take on the challenge of entitlements. Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid are commitments of conscience, and so it is our duty to keep them permanently sound. Yet, we're failing in that duty. And this failure will one day leave our children with three bad options: huge tax increases, huge deficits, or huge and immediate cuts in benefits. Everyone in this chamber knows this to be true -- yet somehow we have not found it in ourselves to act. So let us work together and do it now. With enough good sense and goodwill, you and I can fix Medicare and Medicaid -- and save Social Security.

And you could save it, if you kept Paris Hilton's taxes right where they are right now, thank you very much.

Spreading opportunity and hope in America also requires public schools that give children the knowledge and character they need in life. Five years ago, we rose above partisan differences to pass the No Child Left Behind Act, preserving local control, raising standards, and holding those schools accountable for results.

And have, in the process, guaranteed that the bulk of students under the No Child Left Behind Act are, in fact, left behind.

And because we acted, students are performing better in reading and math, and minority students are closing the achievement gap.

And right now, over 50% of high school students still can't identify their home state on a map of the US.

And two different school districts are trying to place "Intelligent Design" in the science classroom.

But we're not leaving any child behind, that's for sure.

Now the task is to build on the success, without watering down standards, without taking control from local communities, and without backsliding and calling it reform. We can lift student achievement even higher by giving local leaders flexibility to turn around failing schools, and by giving families with children stuck in failing schools the right to choose someplace better. We must increase funds for students who struggle -- and make sure these children get the special help they need. And we can make sure our children are prepared for the jobs of the future and our country is more competitive by strengthening math and science skills. The No Child Left Behind Act has worked for America's children

... badly...

-- and I ask Congress to reauthorize this good law.

Bush seems to have a real problem with reality.

A future of hope and opportunity requires that all our citizens have affordable and available health care. When it comes to health care, government has an obligation to care for the elderly, the disabled, and poor children. And we will meet those responsibilities. For all other Americans, private health insurance is the best way to meet their needs. But many Americans cannot afford a health insurance policy.

At which point, Anne Coulter could be heard screaming in anguish.

And so tonight, I propose two new initiatives to help more Americans afford their own insurance. First, I propose a standard tax deduction for health insurance that will be like the standard tax deduction for dependents. Families with health insurance will pay no income on payroll tax -- or payroll taxes on $15,000 of their income. Single Americans with health insurance will pay no income or payroll taxes on $7,500 of their income. With this reform, more than 100 million men, women, and children who are now covered by employer-provided insurance will benefit from lower tax bills. At the same time, this reform will level the playing field for those who do not get health insurance through their job. For Americans who now purchase health insurance on their own, this proposal would mean a substantial tax savings -- $4,500 for a family of four making $60,000 a year. And for the millions of other Americans who have no health insurance at all, this deduction would help put a basic private health insurance plan within their reach. Changing the tax code is a vital and necessary step to making health care affordable for more Americans.

So, why was none of this suggested, oh, say, SIX YEARS AGO, WHEN WE HAD ENOUGH OF A BUDGET SURPLUS TO DO IT!?

My second proposal is to help the states that are coming up with innovative ways to cover the uninsured. States that make basic private health insurance available to all their citizens should receive federal funds to help them provide this coverage to the poor and the sick. I have asked the Secretary of Health and Human Services to work with Congress to take existing federal funds and use them to create "Affordable Choices" grants. These grants would give our nation's governors more money and more flexibility to get private health insurance to those most in need.

There are many other ways that Congress can help. We need to expand Health Savings Accounts. We need to help small businesses through Association Health Plans. We need to reduce costs and medical errors with better information technology. We will encourage price transparency. And to protect good doctors from junk lawsuits, we passing medical liability reform. In all we do, we must remember that the best health care decisions are made not by government and insurance companies, but by patients and their doctors.

again, all things that would have been useful, and may even have been feasible SIX YEARS AGO. Since then, some jackass has spent all the money in the world fighting a pointless war and not killing Osama Bin Laden

Extending hope and opportunity in our country requires an immigration system worthy of America -- with laws that are fair and borders that are secure. When laws and borders are routinely violated, this harms the interests of our country. To secure our border, we're doubling the size of the Border Patrol, and funding new infrastructure and technology.

Yet even with all these steps, we cannot fully secure the border unless we take pressure off the border -- and that requires a temporary worker program. We should establish a legal and orderly path for foreign workers to enter our country to work on a temporary basis. As a result, they won't have to try to sneak in, and that will leave Border Agents free to chase down drug smugglers and criminals and terrorists. We'll enforce our immigration laws at the work site and give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers, so there's no excuse left for violating the law.

He says, as if all people need to violate the law is an excuse.

We need to uphold the great tradition of the melting pot that welcomes and assimilates new arrivals.

And diversity be damned.

We need to resolve the status of the illegal immigrants who are already in our country without animosity and without amnesty. Convictions run deep in this Capitol when it comes to immigration. Let us have a serious, civil, and conclusive debate, so that you can pass, and I can sign, comprehensive immigration reform into law.

... provided that it's the exact bill that I want you to pass...

Extending hope and opportunity depends on a stable supply of energy that keeps America's economy running and America's environment clean. For too long our nation has been dependent on foreign oil. And this dependence leaves us more vulnerable to hostile regimes,


and to terrorists -- who could cause huge disruptions of oil shipments, and raise the price of oil, and do great harm to our economy.

Yeah, 'cause you know, them Canadians are sure a terror state.

It's in our vital interest to diversify America's energy supply -- the way forward is through technology. We must continue changing the way America generates electric power, by even greater use of clean coal technology, solar and wind energy, and clean, safe nuclear power. We need to press on with battery research for plug-in and hybrid vehicles, and expand the use of clean diesel vehicles and biodiesel fuel. We must continue investing in new methods of producing ethanol -- using everything from wood chips to grasses, to agricultural wastes.

All things that he suggested in the last state of the union..... and the one before that.... and the one before...

We made a lot of progress, thanks to good policies here in Washington and the strong response of the market. And now even more dramatic advances are within reach. Tonight, I ask Congress to join me in pursuing a great goal. Let us build on the work we've done and reduce gasoline usage in the United States by 20 percent in the next 10 years. When we do that we will have cut our total imports by the equivalent of three-quarters of all the oil we now import from the Middle East.

Given up on getting their hands on that Iraqi oil, have they?

To reach this goal, we must increase the supply of alternative fuels, by setting a mandatory fuels standard to require 35 billion gallons of renewable and alternative fuels in 2017 -- and that is nearly five times the current target.

Which, by the way, we haven't even come close to achieving. You really think you can hit a higher target?

At the same time, we need to reform and modernize fuel economy standards for cars the way we did for light trucks -- and conserve up to 8.5 billion more gallons of gasoline by 2017.

Achieving these ambitious goals will dramatically reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but it's not going to eliminate it. And so as we continue to diversify our fuel supply, we must step up domestic oil production in environmentally sensitive ways. And to further protect America against severe disruptions to our oil supply, I ask Congress to double the current capacity of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

And where, exactly, is all this extra petroleum going to come from? Oh right, from the middle east.

America is on the verge of technological breakthroughs

The same technological breakthroughs we were on the verge of during the last state of the union, and the one before that, and the one befo-....

that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. And these technologies will help us be better stewards of the environment, and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change.

Sayeth the man who refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol.

A future of hope and opportunity requires a fair, impartial system of justice. The lives of our citizens across our nation are affected by the outcome of cases pending in our federal courts. We have a shared obligation to ensure that the federal courts have enough judges to hear those cases and deliver timely rulings.

Sayeth the man who convened an emergency session of congress when a judge ruled in a way he didn't agree with.

As President, I have a duty to nominate qualified men and women to vacancies on the federal bench. And the United States Senate has a duty, as well, to give those nominees a fair hearing, and a prompt up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.

For all of us in this room, there is no higher responsibility than to protect the people of this country from danger. Five years have come and gone since we saw the scenes and felt the sorrow that the terrorists can cause.

And now we're back to the same ol' same ol'. People want to kill us, blah, blah, blah. 9/11, blah, blah. And Iraq fits in there somewhere.

We've had time to take stock of our situation. We've added many critical protections to guard the homeland.

'Cause, you know, we didn't really want that whole Habeas Corpus thing anyway, did we?

We know with certainty that the horrors of that September morning were just a glimpse of what the terrorists intend for us -- unless we stop them.

...With waterboarding....

With the distance of time, we find ourselves debating the causes of conflict and the course we have followed. Such debates are essential when a great democracy faces great questions. Yet one question has surely been settled: that to win the war on terror we must take the fight to the enemy.

And anybody who is perceived as an enemy to Guantanimo.

From the start, America and our allies have protected our people by staying on the offense. The enemy knows that the days of comfortable sanctuary, easy movement, steady financing, and free flowing communications are long over. For the terrorists, life since 9/11 has never been the same.

And it really hasn't been the same for Americans either. Bush keeps saying that the Terrorists hate us for our freedom, and he's working damn hard to make sure that soon, that won't be a problem.

Our success in this war is often measured by the things that did not happen.

We didn't find weapons of mass destruction.

We weren't greeted as liberators.

The income from oil didn't cover the expenses of the war.

We didn't have enough troops

The war didn't end when we got Saddam Hussein's kids

Or Saddam Hussein

Or Al Zarquawi

Or when the elections occurred

The mission wasn't accomplished

The Insurgency wasn't put down

And we weren't able to avoid a civil war.

Do you really want to follow this line of reasoning?

We cannot know the full extent of the attacks that we and our allies have prevented,

The bigger question, however, is: what is the full extent of the attacks that we and our allies guaranteed will happen some time in the future?

but here is some of what we do know: We stopped an al Qaeda plot to fly a hijacked airplane into the tallest building on the West Coast.

Hoboy. Here we go.

This is most likely a reference to the purported plot to knock down the 73 story Library tower in Los Angeles.

Of course, all evidence suggests that the library tower plot enver even got past its conceptual stage.

We broke up a Southeast Asian terror cell grooming operatives for attacks inside the United States.

Actually, here, Georgie happens to be talking about the exact same purported Library tower plot, which, as previously mentioned, never got past the conceptual stages.

We uncovered an al Qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in attacks against America.

According to the FBI, hopes by foreign terrorists to use Anthrax against Americans were, at best, fanciful.

And, say, what happened to the people that did attack using Anthrax just after 9/11? Don't hear much about that anymore, do you?

Could it be related to the fact that the source of said Anthrax was actually inside the US? What, terrorism is only terrorism when it comes from foreign soil?

And just last August,

... by pure coincidence, I'm sure, 90 days before the last Midterm elections...

British authorities uncovered a plot to blow up passenger planes bound for America over the Atlantic Ocean.

In a series of raids, British Authorities arrested 24 men. A few of whom had actually checked the internet for flight schedules. And a very few of whom actually had the passports necessary to get onto the flights they were supposedly going to crash "within days" according to your press conference immediately after the arrest.

It has since been determined that the purported plan, to mix the chemical constituants into bombmaking materials on the plain was likely infeasible by amateurs, or even by professional chemists.

And since the raids, 8 of the 24 people arrested have been released.

The Brits had been watching all 24 of those men for over a year.

For each life saved, we owe a debt of gratitude to the brave public servants who devote their lives to finding the terrorists and stopping them.

Every success against the terrorists is a reminder of the shoreless ambitions of this enemy. The evil that inspired and rejoiced in 9/11 is still at work in the world. And so long as that's the case, America is still a nation at war.

In the mind of the terrorist, this war began well before September the 11th, and will not end until their radical vision is fulfilled. And these past five years have given us a much clearer view of the nature of this enemy. Al Qaeda and its followers are Sunni extremists, possessed by hatred and commanded by a harsh and narrow ideology. Take almost any principle of civilization, and their goal is the opposite. They preach with threats, instruct with bullets and bombs, and promise paradise for the murder of the innocent.

Our enemies are quite explicit about their intentions. They want to overthrow moderate governments, and establish safe havens from which to plan and carry out new attacks on our country. By killing and terrorizing Americans, they want to force our country to retreat from the world and abandon the cause of liberty. They would then be free to impose their will and spread their totalitarian ideology. Listen to this warning from the late terrorist Zarqawi: "We will sacrifice our blood and bodies to put an end to your dreams, and what is coming is even worse." Osama bin Laden declared: "Death is better than living on this Earth with the unbelievers among us."

You do realize that Zarqawi was never, in any meaningful sense, a member of Al Quaida, right?

These men are not given to idle words,

Past tense. One of 'em's dead, remember? And you've been milking that for all it's worth to distract us from the fact that the one who actually had anything whatsoever to do with 9/11 is still at large.

and they are just one camp in the Islamist radical movement. In recent times, it has also become clear that we face an escalating danger from Shia extremists who are just as hostile to America, and are also determined to dominate the Middle East.

And why is that? Who's the moronic jackass who's been spending his time pissing off a whole generation of Islamic extremists and not catching Osama Bin Laden?

Many are known to take direction from the regime in Iran, which is funding and arming terrorists like Hezbollah -- a group second only to al Qaeda in the American lives it has taken.

Anybody else finding this familiar?

The Shia and Sunni extremists are different faces of the same totalitarian threat. Whatever slogans they chant, when they slaughter the innocent they have the same wicked purposes. They want to kill Americans, kill democracy in the Middle East, and gain the weapons to kill on an even more horrific scale.

Yep, now it sounds familiar.

In the sixth year since our nation was attacked, I wish I could report to you that the dangers had ended. They have not. And so it remains the policy of this government to use every lawful and proper tool of intelligence,

... torture...

diplomacy, law enforcement, and military action to do our duty, to find these enemies, and to protect the American people.

This war is more than a clash of arms -- it is a decisive ideological struggle, and the security of our nation is in the balance. To prevail, we must remove the conditions that inspire blind hatred, and drove 19 men to get onto airplanes and to come and kill us. What every terrorist fears most is human freedom

And at the rate Bush is going, pretty soon they will have nothing to fear in America.

-- societies where men and women make their own choices, answer to their own conscience, and live by their hopes instead of their resentments. Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies -- and most will choose a better way when they're given a chance.

Which is possibly why they're fighting us.

So we advance our own security interests by helping moderates and reformers and brave voices for democracy. The great question of our day is whether America will help men and women in the Middle East to build free societies and share in the rights of all humanity. And I say, for the sake of our own security, we must.

Whether they want it or not.

In the last two years, we've seen the desire for liberty in the broader Middle East -- and we have been sobered by the enemy's fierce reaction. In 2005, the world watched as the citizens of Lebanon raised the banner of the Cedar Revolution, they drove out the Syrian occupiers and chose new leaders in free elections. In 2005, the people of Afghanistan defied the terrorists and elected a democratic legislature. And in 2005, the Iraqi people held three national elections, choosing a transitional government, adopting the most progressive, democratic constitution in the Arab world, and then electing a government under that constitution. Despite endless threats from the killers in their midst, nearly 12 million Iraqi citizens came out to vote in a show of hope and solidarity that we should never forget.

And yet, the current government was elected with a pretty slim minority of the votes; just more votes than anyone else had.

A thinking enemy watched all of these scenes, adjusted their tactics, and in 2006 they struck back. In Lebanon, assassins took the life of Pierre Gemayel, a prominent participant in the Cedar Revolution. Hezbollah terrorists, with support from Syria and Iran, much the same way that Iraq was helping Bin Laden...

sowed conflict in the region and are seeking to undermine Lebanon's legitimately elected government. In Afghanistan, Taliban and al Qaeda fighters tried to regain power by regrouping and engaging Afghan and NATO forces. In Iraq, al Qaeda and other Sunni extremists blew up one of the most sacred places in Shia Islam

You do realize that Al Qaeda, in any real sense of the word, has no presence in Iraq, right? Al Zarqawi didn't call his organization "Al Quaeda in Iraq" until after Bush claimed that he was a major leader of Al Quaeda in Iraq. For that matter, there's absolutely no evidence that he and Bin Laden have ever actually met.

-- the Golden Mosque of Samarra. This atrocity, directed at a Muslim house of prayer, was designed to provoke retaliation from Iraqi Shia -- and it succeeded. Radical Shia elements, some of whom receive support from Iran, formed death squads. The result was a tragic escalation of sectarian rage and reprisal that continues to this day.

This is not the fight we entered in Iraq, but it is the fight we're in. Every one of us wishes this war were over and won. Yet it would not be like us to leave our promises unkept, our friends abandoned, and our own security at risk. Ladies and gentlemen: On this day, at this hour, it is still within our power to shape the outcome of this battle. Let us find our resolve, and turn events toward victory.

At the cost of thousands of American lives.

We're carrying out a new strategy in Iraq --


a plan that demands more from Iraq's elected government, and gives our forces in Iraq the reinforcements they need to complete their mission. Our goal is a democratic Iraq that upholds the rule of law, respects the rights of its people, provides them security, and is an ally in the war on terror.

In order to make progress toward this goal, the Iraqi government must stop the sectarian violence in its capital. But the Iraqis are not yet ready to do this on their own. So we're deploying reinforcements of more than 20,000 additional soldiers and Marines to Iraq. The vast majority will go to Baghdad, where they will help Iraqi forces to clear and secure neighborhoods, and serve as advisers embedded in Iraqi Army units. With Iraqis in the lead, our forces will help secure the city by chasing down the terrorists, insurgents, and the roaming death squads. And in Anbar Province, where al Qaeda terrorists have gathered and local forces have begun showing a willingness to fight them, we're sending an additional 4,000 United States Marines, with orders to find the terrorists and clear them out. We didn't drive al Qaeda out of their safe haven in Afghanistan only to let them set up a new safe haven in a free Iraq.

So, in other words, exactly what we've been trying to do for the last three years, only with more troops.


The people of Iraq want to live in peace, and now it's time for their government to act. Iraq's leaders know that our commitment is not open-ended.

It's only good as long as they keep supplying oil.

They have promised to deploy more of their own troops to secure Baghdad -- and they must do so. They pledged that they will confront violent radicals of any faction or political party -- and they need to follow through, and lift needless restrictions on Iraqi and coalition forces, so these troops can achieve their mission of bringing security to all of the people of Baghdad. Iraq's leaders have committed themselves to a series of benchmarks -- to achieve reconciliation, to share oil revenues among all of Iraq's citizens, to put the wealth of Iraq into the rebuilding of Iraq, to allow more Iraqis to re-enter their nation's civic life, to hold local elections, and to take responsibility for security in every Iraqi province. But for all of this to happen, Baghdad must be secure. And our plan will help the Iraqi government take back its capital and make good on its commitments.

You know, I'm desperately trying to find some objective measure by which the situation in Iraq is actually better now than it was before we invaded. No luck so far.

My fellow citizens, our military commanders and I have carefully weighed the options.

After which, Georgie carefully ignored their suggestions.

We discussed every possible approach. In the end, I chose this course of action because it provides the best chance for success. Many in this chamber understand that America must not fail in Iraq,

...any worse than we already have...

because you understand that the consequences of failure would be grievous and far-reaching.

If American forces step back before Baghdad is secure,

... ignoring, for the moment, that Baghdad was secure before we stepped forward...

the Iraqi government would be overrun by extremists on all sides. We could expect an epic battle between Shia extremists backed by Iran, and Sunni extremists aided by al Qaeda and supporters of the old regime. A contagion of violence could spill out across the country -- and in time, the entire region could be drawn into the conflict.

For America, this is a nightmare scenario. For the enemy, this is the objective. Chaos is the greatest ally -- their greatest ally in this struggle. And out of chaos in Iraq would emerge an emboldened enemy with new safe havens, new recruits, new resources, and an even greater determination to harm America. To allow this to happen would be to ignore the lessons of September the 11th and invite tragedy. Ladies and gentlemen, nothing is more important at this moment in our history than for America to succeed in the Middle East, to succeed in Iraq and to spare the American people from this danger.

Is he really claiming that if we pull out now, they'll follow us home?

This is where matters stand tonight, in the here and now. I have spoken with many of you in person. I respect you and the arguments you've made. We went into this largely united, in our assumptions and in our convictions.

Not really. We went into this with a monkey-boy president supported by a congress full of "yes" men.

And whatever you voted for, you did not vote for failure.

We sure as hell didn't vote for you.

Our country is pursuing a new strategy in Iraq, and I ask you to give it a chance to work. And I ask you to support our troops in the field, and those on their way.

The war on terror we fight today is a generational struggle that will continue long after you and I have turned our duties over to others. And that's why it's important to work together so our nation can see this great effort through. Both parties and both branches should work in close consultation. It's why I propose to establish a special advisory council on the war on terror, made up of leaders in Congress from both political parties. We will share ideas for how to position America to meet every challenge that confronts us. We'll show our enemies abroad that we are united in the goal of victory.

Maybe we should actually fight THE WAR ON TERROR, huh? I'm still waiting for any one of your justifications for an invasion of Iraq to stand up to even the most minor scrutiny.

And one of the first steps we can take together is to add to the ranks of our military so that the American Armed Forces are ready for all the challenges ahead. Tonight I ask the Congress to authorize an increase in the size of our active Army and Marine Corps by 92,000 in the next five years.

And where are these 92,000 volunteers going to come from?

(*insert new bullshit euphamism for "draft"*)

A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps.


Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. It would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time.

How, exactly, do you get conscientious objector status?

Americans can have confidence in the outcome of this struggle because we're not in this struggle alone. We have a diplomatic strategy that is rallying the world

... approximately three countries thereof, anyway...

to join in the fight against extremism. In Iraq, multinational forces are operating under a mandate from the United Nations. We're working with Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Egypt and the Gulf States to increase support for Iraq's government.

The United Nations has imposed sanctions on Iran, and made it clear that the world will not allow the regime in Tehran to acquire nuclear weapons. With the other members of the Quartet -- the U.N., the European Union, and Russia -- we're pursuing diplomacy to help bring peace to the Holy Land, and pursuing the establishment of a democratic Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel in peace and security. In Afghanistan, NATO has taken the lead in turning back the Taliban and al Qaeda offensive -- the first time the Alliance has deployed forces outside the North Atlantic area. Together with our partners in China, Japan, Russia, and South Korea, we're pursuing intensive diplomacy to achieve a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons.

I don't know if you missed that particular intelligence briefing, but Korea already has nuclear weapons.

We will continue to speak out for the cause of freedom in places like Cuba, Belarus, and Burma -- and continue to awaken the conscience of the world to save the people of Darfur.

American foreign policy is more than a matter of war and diplomacy.

After all, Diplomacy is highly overrated.

Our work in the world is also based on a timeless truth: To whom much is given, much is required. We hear the call to take on the challenges of hunger and poverty and disease -- and that is precisely what America is doing. We must continue to fight HIV/AIDS, especially on the continent of Africa. Because you funded our Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the number of people receiving life-saving drugs has grown from 50,000 to more than 800,000 in three short years. I ask you to continue funding our efforts to fight HIV/AIDS. I ask you to provide $1.2 billion over five years so we can combat malaria in 15 African countries.

26% of which will be used in "Abstinence Only" programs.

I ask that you fund the Millennium Challenge Account, so that American aid reaches the people who need it, in nations where democracy is on the rise and corruption is in retreat. And let us continue to support the expanded trade and debt relief that are the best hope for lifting lives and eliminating poverty.

When America serves others in this way, we show the strength and generosity of our country. These deeds reflect the character of our people. The greatest strength we have is the heroic kindness, courage, and self-sacrifice of the American people. You see this spirit often if you know where to look -- and tonight we need only look above to the gallery.

Let the exploitation begin.

Dikembe Mutombo grew up in Africa, amid great poverty and disease. He came to Georgetown University on a scholarship to study medicine -- but Coach John Thompson got a look at Dikembe and had a different idea. Dikembe became a star in the NBA, and a citizen of the United States. But he never forgot the land of his birth, or the duty to share his blessings with others. He built a brand new hospital in his old hometown. A friend has said of this good-hearted man: "Mutombo believes that God has given him this opportunity to do great things." And we are proud to call this son of the Congo a citizen of the United States of America.

Next, he'll be parading David Beckham around.

After her daughter was born, Julie Aigner-Clark searched for ways to share her love of music and art with her child. So she borrowed some equipment, and began filming children's videos in her basement. The Baby Einstein Company was born, and in just five years her business grew to more than $20 million in sales. In November 2001, Julie sold Baby Einstein to the Walt Disney Company, and with her help Baby Einstein has grown into a $200 million business. Julie represents the great enterprising spirit of America. And she is using her success to help others -- producing child safety videos with John Walsh of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Julie says of her new project: "I believe it's the most important thing that I have ever done. I believe that children have the right to live in a world that is safe." And so tonight, we are pleased to welcome this talented business entrepreneur and generous social entrepreneur -- Julie Aigner-Clark.

And soon, we'll draft her daughter into the War on Terror.

Three weeks ago, Wesley Autrey was waiting at a Harlem subway station with his two little girls, when he saw a man fall into the path of a train. With seconds to act, Wesley jumped onto the tracks, pulled the man into the space between the rails, and held him as the train passed right above their heads. He insists he's not a hero. He says: "We got guys and girls overseas dying for us to have our freedoms. We have got to show each other some love." There is something wonderful about a country that produces a brave and humble man like Wesley Autrey.

Okay, am I the only one who's starting to think that Bush is trying to take credit for all of this?

Tommy Rieman was a teenager pumping gas in Independence, Kentucky, when he enlisted in the United States Army. In December 2003, he was on a reconnaissance mission in Iraq when his team came under heavy enemy fire. From his Humvee, Sergeant Rieman returned fire; he used his body as a shield to protect his gunner. He was shot in the chest and arm, and received shrapnel wounds to his legs -- yet he refused medical attention, and stayed in the fight. He helped to repel a second attack, firing grenades at the enemy's position. For his exceptional courage, Sergeant Rieman was awarded the Silver Star. And like so many other Americans who have volunteered to defend us, he has earned the respect and the gratitude of our entire country.

Exploit! Exploit!

In such courage and compassion, ladies and gentlemen, we see the spirit and character of America -- and these qualities are not in short supply. This is a decent and honorable country -- and resilient, too. We've been through a lot together. We've met challenges and faced dangers, and we know that more lie ahead. Yet we can go forward with confidence -- because the State of our Union is strong, our cause in the world is right, and tonight that cause goes on. God bless.

See you next year.

Assuming I'm still in office by then...

Thank you for your prayers.

Except for you non-Christians. I don't want yer prayers.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How much floor space does $300 of liquor take up?

So I got a few bottles of cognac today.

A few.

As in: three.

My Kung Fu master likes Cognac. And as a direct consequence of having met him, I've acquired a taste for it that I didn't possess before.

Anyhow, there's a big celebration and banquet coming up during which I happen to be one of three central figures. This is not a minor event, although very few people outside of thos who actually practice Kung Fu seem to realize just how non-minor it is. I'm being accepted as a disciple to an art which dates back 500 years. In short, it's been decided that I'm one day going to carry on the legacy and pass the knowledge I acquire on to someone else.

Yeah, this is a big deal.

So, traditionally, one gives the master a gift which he would enjoy. He has a great love of Cognac. Cognac, it turns out, is not cheap. Especially if you get very nice cognac. Cognac which has been aged many years to smooth it out; and if I'm going to be taught things that have only been taught to a select few throughout history, I'm not gonna cheap out on it.

Now, this cognac I got my hands on was not as expensive as some cognac out there (I saw a bottle which cost $7000), but it's not exactly a cheap acquisition, and it takes up less than a square foot of real estate on my floor.

Anyhow, I don't want to write about the price of cognac in Canada (title notwithstanding), but I guess I'm feeling a little introspective as the New Year has passed, and as I'm about to take a couple of big steps over the next few months. I'm becoming a disciple to a remarkable martial artist, I'm receiving my PhD. after four years of work. I'm taking my infinitely-better half to Europe for six weeks (a place neither of us has ever been). And throughout that time, I've had a constant companion in the martial arts.

I really wish I had the eloquence to explain what this means, but the truth is that I don't. The best way I know how is to say how it started.

Four years ago, I was in a bad place. Not that things weren't going well for me, mind you. I'd been accepted into a Master's program (the switch to PhD would come about a year later), my research was going well, but the bottom line is that I wasn't happy. A friendship had just ended under unpleasant circumstances, and I was dealing with it badly. I'm not generally prone to emotional outbursts, but frankly I spent about three months walking a very fine line between uncontrolled rage and deep depression. You'd be surprised how close together those two can be.

So I needed something to replace the hours that I was spending feeling sorry for myself. Hey, I'm not proud of it, but without going into detail (which I omit to protect the guilty), you can trust me that it warranted a little wallowing. I'd toyed with the idea of taking up a martial art before. I'd given Aikido a try while I was at UBish; a loooong time ago (picture a 12-year-old Drew in a white uniform and a green belt), I'd tried Tae Kwon Do; a mere few months before the events which lead up to this, I'd tried Kendo. All of which, it should be mentioned, are admirable martial arts. They just weren't for me. Tae Kwon Do, I'd done because I thought it was cool. Aikido, I took up because my significant other at the time had suggested it. Kendo, well, I don't know why I decided to try that one. It looked cool I guess.

The bottom line is that I was sick of feeling sorry for myself and decided I needed somewhere else to focus all that feeling-sorry-for-myself-energy, at least for a few months. Kung Fu seemed as good a place as any. One of the students I shared an office with ran a Kung Fu School; or rather he helped his brother run a Kung Fu school in his spare time, and three questions later, I was learning the White Tiger Style of Kung Fu, along with two buddies from High School.

My life improved rather sharply. I'm not sure to this day whether the two were related. But I was happier, I was healthier, I lost weight, and my endurance and strength increased beyond what I thought was possible. For the first time I could remember ever I realized that I could say that I was happy without a little voice in the back of my head saying no, you're not.

Some time after I came to that remarkable realization, I met April. To say that the two of us hit it right off would be both a cliche and an understatement. I'm not prone to romantic language, but in her I found a half of myself I didn't even realize was missing. Ugh, that sounds so... ugh. Not untrue, mind you. But... ugh.

Like I said, I'm feeling a little introspective, so bear with me.

So we're at now minus three years or so, and I'd been studying the White Tiger Style of Kung Fu for about eight months. I was learning a lot. I ascended quickly to the Blue sash level, and was working on the Green Sash forms and techniques. I managed to pass my test for the Blue sash while doped up on decongestants. An accomplishment I'm actually kinda proud of to this day. It had taken me almost two years to get to that point. I wasn't an asskicker by any description of the term, but I had learned a lot in those two years.

And somewhere in there, the completely unexpected happened. Suddenly, Kung Fu wasn't a crutch anymore. It wasn't something I did to smooth the wrinkles of my life. It wasn't something that made my life easier. It was just something that was there. It was something that just felt right. Like it belonged in that one spot in my life. Like it had always been there.

Keep in mind, when I'd started, I'd intended to keep with it for a few months at most. Now I was going on two years.

October, 2005.

The White Tiger school my two companions and I had been studying at was closing its doors. The young man I'd studied under directed me at a Grand Master of a different, but related style of Kung Fu, and that's where my pursuit of Bak Mei began.

I'm not going to go so far as to claim that it was a moment that changed my life, but I will say that it was a moment that I still use to describe it. It was one of those moments where we describe all the others as "before this," and "after this." This was one of those moments. I started learning this style of Kung fu in a cold basement in the middle of Chinatown. A tiny little building that I'd never have noticed if not for the fact that I needed to climb down into the basement three times a week to learn a style of Kung Fu that I'd never even heard of a month ago. I know, it's weird when I put it that way, but the fact is that for the last almost-three years, Bak Mei has been a dominant positive force in my life.

And I learned. Under the steady tutelage of a Chinese Grand Master and his two existing disciples, I learned the art. I learned to Lion Dance. I Taoist philosophy and somewhere, something was unlocked. Another piece of me that I didn't even realize was missing was added, and suddenly I found myself wondering how I ever managed without it.

Again, I draw your attention to my lack of eloquence. I don't want to say this sounding as if Kung Fu was just a crutch for me. The best way I can put it is that it's part of me. It isn't something I do anymore. It's part of who I am.

On March 10th, I take another step. I'm taking it with the same two companions that have been with me since the beginning. The people who shared the same journey. I'm taking it with April, and I take it surrounded by other students and by the man who got me started on it all.

There are worse ways to spend an evening.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The year of the pig

Okay, so every Chinese New Year, I do a whole pile o' lion dances all over Chinatown, and every year I end up pretty much immobilized by the Lion Dancing marathon that inevitably takes place every time we do it. Every year I swear that the next year, I'll take it a little easier, and every year, I make myself a liar.

Yeah, it's that time of the year again.

We started our hefty Lion Dancing schedule this weekend where we threw ourselves with hopeless abandon into the traditional Chinese lion dance at every store, every mall and every establishment and organization in Chinatown, and a few outside of Chinatown. We did a couple of Kung Fu demonstrations and, yes, we all ended up feeling pretty damn sore at the end of it.

Right now, non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs are my friend. Ibuprofen, very good stuff. Without it my neck would be so stiff that my field of vision would be uncomfortably small.

I'm knee-deep in lion dances, Kung Fu demonstrations and Chinese food. I'm fed, I'm fed up; I'm sore, I'm stiff.

I'm loving it.

Welcome to the year of the pig.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some things you have to be nuts to even try

Okay, so there are people out there who have very well-established comfort zones. Some have them so well-established that any attempt to step outside that comfort zone freaks them out, whether it's them stepping out of it, or someone else. Some people, for example, say that I'm completely nuts to go camping in the backcountry every so often when I have a perfectly nice house right here. It's not exactly an untenable position. Granted, they may be missing the point of going into the backcountry in the first place, but their point is nevertheless a valid one.

My comfort zone tends to be a little bit on the wider side. I like being in the middle of nowhere for days on end. I routinely face off with a guy who's bigger and stronger than me and end up getting pretty badly bruised for it.

So me and one of my long-time martial arts partners have taken it upon ourselves to learn a form which involves duking it out with shiny, pointy weapons, and trying not to kill each other in the process. I arm myself with a Chinese eagle spear, he arms himself with a nine-ringed halberd, and we promptly attempt to kill each other with them.

Okay, it's not as crazy as it sounds.

The halberd is made out of steel and is methodically hacked at my feet, my head, and my chest throughout the form. In return, I jab my spear, methodically, at his head, chest and feet. Each time, we duck, dodge, or move out of the way of the offending weapon before it has a chance to skewer or clobber us.

Again, let me emphasize my previous "not as crazy as it sounds" dictum.

It should be mentioned that the spear is blunted (it looks sharp, but it really isn't), and the halberd is unsharpened (pointy and heavy, but not sharp); but even these can do a lot of damage if they hit you hard enough. The halberd (the heavy metal end of which is repeatedly swung at my head) weighs in at about 10 lbs, give or take a little.

For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, that's enough to leave a substantial bruise, or crush a finger quite nicely if it should happen to hit one.

I think you can see where this is going.

Making a long story short (which is actually kinda a necessity, since I'm trying to type this without use of my right index finger), my right index finger is now in a splint. They haven't x-rayed it, but at the very least, it needs to be immobilized until the swelling goes down.

The fact that a blunt weapon managed to draw a not insubstantial amount of blood should probably tell you something.

So, we'll see how long this takes to heal. Fortunately, I'm still able to do the lion dances over Chinese new year, but I don't know how functional my right hand is going to be for martial arts demonstrations.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Doctor of Philosophy

So, it's over.

I guess when you get to this point in your life, it's normal to take a step back and say: hey, I did it. I guess when your entire life has been building up to one moment, and that moment finally shows up, you're supposed to have a huge sense of accomplishment.

Well, that hasn't hit me quite yet. Maybe it will on convocation day. Right now, I just kinda feel numb. It's over, I made it. All the papers have been turned in, all the forms have been filled out, all the signatures collected. All the exams have been written or spoken, all the experiments performed. It's over.

It's weird, I guess. Like I said, I just feel numb. Like I've just had some giant grab me by the legs and beat me against a wall for four years straight, then went to the hospital and got put on so many painkillers I barely even know my own name, much less that I was just grabbed by the legs and beaten against a wall. Honestly, I think I'm just tired.

So, convocation is in June. June 9th, to be exact. I haven't decided whether I'm going or not. Okay, that's a lie: I think my mom will disown me if I don't, but having seen what my older brother had to wear when he got handed his PhD back in November, I gotta say I'm not terribly thrilled at the prospect. For those of you who aren't firmly associated with an academic setting, PhDs in many institutions are required to wear something that, for some bizarre reason, is very different from the traditional cap 'n' gown. Every university has its unique academic dress or regalia that they hand out to doctoral students so that people will think they're special or something. That wouldn't bug me that much if the academic dress of the University of Calgary weren't the most godawful combination of colors and textures I can imagine. I swear, the person who designed it must've been colorblind; and I don't mean red-green, or blue-yellow colorblind. I mean, black, white and shades of gray colorblind. And on top of that, they had bad taste. Our academic reglia looks like it was put together by a two-year-old with fingerpaint. The only bright spot in the whole thing is the hat. Yes, it looks like a mortar board in desperate need of Viagra, but at least it's not as Mad-Hatter-esque as a lot of the hats I've seen. It's more of a subtle black beret-like hat that they call a John Knox Cap. I can't find a picture of it online, but it really does look like a flaccid mortar board.

I've gotta admit that I've never fully understood the need for a graduation ceremony. It always struck me as a somewhat cultish activity. Like the academic elders were saying "yes, you are worthy of joining us." Basically, you end up with a super-high-up guy who stands atop a stage proclaiming to the world that you are henceforth to be called "Doctor," then hands you a piece of paper, announcing your name to the crowd and pretending that he actually knows who the hell you are. I'm not saying I have an issue with academia; obviously, I don't, since I've dedicated the better part of my young life to it, but I have to admit that I don't fully understand all the pomp and circumstance surrounding it. So if I go to this graduation ceremony; and let's be honest, I probably will; it won't be for me that I'm going. I'm going for my parents. I'm going for April. I'm going for my two brothers who want to watch me walk across the stage in a suit that makes every rational human being on earth ask "I wonder how many of them can fit into a tiny car?"

All that said, I'm going to look into getting my hands on a Kilt. Dad has some thing about wanting to see me wear a kilt to my graduation. Hell, you only do this once.